Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ezeckials Birth

I got reminded of birth. So after being asked by many how mine were...I will births.

The Story of Ezeckial...

I got pregnant sometime in November. It was my decision to get pregnant. As we joke I raped my David. I had dreaded pregnancy. When you read up on Pregnancy or surrounded by a sister in law that had a horrid pregnancy. Throwing up to the point of being hospitalized...Yeah it was not happening. Plus Labor...the stories I have heard are like alright why would you even want to get pregnant again. My aunt ripped through her anus...she has only had one kid..she is know 8.

I got lucky. I had not a single morning sickness moment. I worked at Dairy queen in the ice cream area. The smell of meat made me want to vomit. But I got joy working there, knew everyone and we had all starting working there at the same time when they had opened. In the later months I had such intense heartburn I thought I was going to die. I remember seeing the first Ultrasound. David and I crying at the pictures. We found out we were having a boy. I was so scared, a boy...a penis. I had no idea how to take care of a boy. I cried in a walmart for 30 minutes over having a boy. (Let me tell you know I cannot imagine not having a boy he is my lil' man) David tried to comfort me but It didn't work until the moment he was in my arms. But I am rushing, let me go back. I hate having an ultrasound with a full bladder and she had left bruises on my stomach from pushing so hard. Ehh...little pain. By the way I was 18 and let me tell you the many people that looked at my age and made comments made me very angry. The ultrasound lady had dropped comments how young I was to be a mother. All I could think was wow, glad I am not 16 and at least I have been with this man sick 2005. Btw, pregnancy goo I hate that part. The more pregnant you get the more you get. You'll understand if your pregnant. July 4th was my due date. Which ironically, was the same day as my doctors vacation started. I was determined to have her there. I was 12 days over due. Let me tell you I think besides peeing every time I coughed or got kicked and being as big as a house...14 days over due...never again. She had scheduled me for an induction Monday morning but we got postponed til Tuesday to come in....

Let's Rewind. ... During this time David was there but lost. He didn't tell anyone at church until I was almost 4 months pregnant. His Mother and Father thought we were too young and trying to get David's brother(since they already had a kid) to adopt my unborn son. Btw without talking to us...Yeah that was so not happening. Not to mention his Dad stopped talking to us all together. Thanks Guys. My mom started to cry because she was a young mom and didn't want us to have a wake-up call. David was in a world of unknown. I know it scared him. Hell it scared me. He became someone I didn't know. Of course, I was the one with an alien inside of me and having modern warfare in my uterus. He couldn't bond with something in my belly. He would watch the baby move in amazement. He wasn't ready for a family...I was. Don't hate him, he will prove himself later. He still got up in the middle of the night to go get me medicine, or when I was craving Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup for 4 weeks in a row he made them, gave me back rubs, foot rubs. He was amazing for me and half their for me. Btw during this I gained about 80 pounds. More to my adventure..later...But back to Tuesday..

I go into my hospital and previously had done all the paperwork. I was excited and scared so much. David held my hand and comforted me. The put the Iv in me...I loath needles. The nurse, who I call Olga(she looks like an olga) saw the old scars on my arm and proceeded to ask me how I was going to handle a baby. I then informed her that those are marks of who I was and I hadn't done it in a long time. She looked my arm. But she hooked me up anyway with me almost bursting my vein. I laided in the bed and went wow this is really happening. I ate Cheese filled Breadsticks and then got my Cocktail of drugs. Apparently, an ulcer pill can start labor...yeah feel sorry for the pregnant person that got to figure that out. It had an ulcer pill and sleeping pills.I feel asleep in the hospital bed at probably midnight and David slept on the couch. I remember waking up at about 4am or so and being in this dull sharp pains. I woke David up, he was completely grumpy. Yeah thanks Jerk I was the one in pain. It was dull and then paged Olga and she informed me I was started Labor. What Did I want to do.....(well ain't that an amazing question) i told her I wanted to go in the jacuzzi tub..she told me I would be in labor for 12 or more hours and I should hold off(Bitch I want my Hot Tub) I said alright and then continued just watching Animal planet. Every Couple minutes being reminded of this tight little pain. I kept telling David...I cannot do this...probably 50 times. But it was just getting a little more intense. Olga and Laura came and checked how much I was dilated. Also, during this time David called my mom to say I was in labor but not to come til later..HAHA. If only I knew. It hit about 5:40 and I started to feel like I was going to poop. So I called the nurse and as a battle went back and forth if I actually had to poop. SHe checked me and went "Holy crap, you went from 2-10 in 15 minutes. (Yeah my vagina is that awesome) My brain just freaked out. I was like can I have an epidural, thinking this is going to be mind blowing painful, she then proceeded to tell me I'm too far.Bright Holy God light came on..A male doctor I didn't know walked in looking disorientated. Lauren(Nurse) and Olga propped my legs in the stir up. Lauren and David held on to my hand. They also told me I was barley squeezing. In 5 seconds and one push my baby boy was born. I didn't feel any ring of fire or anything. Went way to fast. They cut his umbilical cord and took him and cleaned him all up. Can't take the whole blood and such. Then I delivered the Placenta and wanted to Jack the nurse in the face that kept rubbing into my stomach.My real Doctor walked in as Zeke had his first cry. Her first baby she had ever missed. She got to stitch me up 5 stitches. Btw My stitches were too the left go figure..always thought they went down. I did have 2 shots of newbain (sp) when getting stitches and was talking gibberish. She gave me more after immediately wanting to take a shower. I wasn't tired at all. I got tired after all the medicine. I slept with my son for the first time and when I woke up we Breastfed together. I think the needles as the colostrum was coming out burned so bad but we were determined. He was a good latcher. He only left my bed to go with the nurses for checkupsDate: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 5:43 AM Weight: 8 lbs. 9 oz. Length: 21 inches I breastfed for 3 months until I lost my milk during my pregnancy. Also during the breastfeeding,I got mastitis. 102.4 fever and the milk duct was inflamed on my right side. Easy fix so hospital time to check that it was Preeclampsia. Then some very strong pills to kill the inflammation. I was also a co-sleeper until he started to roll at 4 months.We have spent every moment together naps together cleaning playing. I have never regretted having him, ever. The people that have doubted us We got apologizes from and my parents are so proud of us. Being a stay at home mom is one thing alot of people cannot be or choose to be. I love it. Somedays its not easy but he is just like me. I didn't miss a single thing!

David after not really connecting with Zeke for almost 6 months. He still took care of him changing diapers making bottles, he just wasn't into the role 100%. But he grew up and he became the amazing guy that I am so proud of. I know some Dad's fit the part right away but David needed time. I gave him that.He had to not think of a kid as a death sentence but as another change in life. I am so glad I did and will never blame him for it. Being a Parent is hard! To think I was scared of having a boy makes me laugh so hard, I cannot imagine not having a boy.

The next blog will have Lorilyes Birth..

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