Thursday, May 3, 2012


Its funny I live by no excuses everyday. I exercise because I need change. I have Gir for Motivation.

I had an experience at my in-laws that I am in love with. Let me start with we were on our way there. They live about 10 minutes away from us and I cannot stand the "bum" that lives there. The rules when my kids are there are she is not allowed to discipline my children. Which from what I saw and heard my mother in law has been disciplining her child. Spanking and Hit him in the mouth when he spit in my nephews food. My nephew stayed with us because the "bum" was yelling at him. Yeah, no that doesn't fly. Her son also picked on my lovely daughter who is a sweet heart and barley gets in trouble. Btw my mother in law has never had to hit my children. Just saying. While we were there I completely ignore the bum, I cannot even tell you what any detail of her is....i know she was avoiding me. I would avoid me too. I have a bad temper and she is not on the fond side. Her boyfriend is apparently there every night. Which for me I am like move the fuck out. She has no problem living off of others. Guess that's what whores do. Plus they haven't even been going out a month and he is the new daddy to her son...blah. I tried to keep my mouth shut until she walked outside leaving her kid with my mother in law who is not mommy. I went off. I was like what a piece of shit mom, you are not mommy. (When she lived with us, I was her sons mother basically)Then apparently they leave a 2 year old! in the house alone for 30 minutes while they do chores....what...some people. They do not have the safest house. Letting him also go out with just a diaper/shirt and no shoes in a barn...I dunno its just gross to me. Oh yeah and the reason I call her a bum...she has no job, no college, no high school diploma/ged/ her friends pay for her phone, no money what so ever. Sad.

I am not saying I am the best mom. But since my kids were born I have not depended on anyone to pay my bills or to help me out. We will get a babysitter from time to time but we pay them. My kids are actually decent kids. We rarely have bad days. We do have them not all rainbows and butterflies. I don't think any toddler is absolutely amazing. We have worked for everything we have gotten and rarely asked for help. I don't ask for help I am too independent.

The moment I love. Her boyfriend looking at me but not saying a word. I won't have either. Me not even acknowledging the bum. Cannot even tell you a single thing about her. My mind is blank. Even questioning myself was she even there.

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