Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Working out --Inspired

There are some things I feel in this lifetime I am meant to do. I felt recently that I was meant to be a mommy. Meant to help out people by babysitting. It is not a job all can do. In fact bringing somebody else's toddler into a house they are not use to or even use to the little quirks. It can be the worst or the best job in the world.I do it to help others. I do not charge an arm and a leg for a job I do everyday. That would be utterly stupid. My husband makes enough that I can be a stay at home mom and help other moms out. It is lovely. I am also glad my kids are amazing to let me bring other children in. Most people are overwhelmed by one. I have Two almost a year and 3 weeks apart :) They are the best acting children out there...but I guess I am a parent I am required to say that.

In other news. ...I am sore. My lats, Biceps, Triceps, and Abs are like ....ahhhhhahhaha you will suffer! I have been working out with 10 pounds and I can tell already my strengths and weakness with the weight. It is mostly my triceps that are week. My biceps are like can we move to 12 pounds. No Biceps wait til the rest of the team catches up. I was meant to inspire. I motivated my cousin and she has already lost 55 pounds. Her attitude is going up and the changes/the pictures are just amazing. i may inspire her but she defiantly keeps me motivated. People are so jumpy to get at you for the bad. But when it is to working out people don't feel the same passion and damn the excuses. Face Palm. Why not instead of running your mouth about how you want to lose weight....go exercise. I have heard over 100+ excuses...and yet at one time I was the girl who exercised at 1 am. just because I was too busy. If you have enough time to watch tv you have enough time to workout. Energy gets renewed after exercising. I have inspired so many ...because I tell the truth. Exercise is not easy! If It is you are not working out hard enough. It is tough some days you will barely be able to move. But that soreness that is CHANGE. You want that...you crave it need it. I know we can all say well I had kids...the kids made me gain this weight....Yeah so did mine. My body got raped...and no I have been living with the quote...No Excuses. I am currently Breezing in a painful way toward the end of Supreme 90. I am almost to the first 30 days! Then I will be dominating Insanity. <----Hence the name. I am even considering becoming a Beachbody Trainer because this fall I am going to school to be a personal Trainer. I really do think Blood, Sweat and Tears to get where you want...You deserve it.

I have decided to do what I did in the past. When I hit my first 30 I am giving up my scale til I am done. The scale is one of those evil messes with your mood. Honestly I want to see the bigger change. I already see it everyday I wear something. I look different and I am loving it. My favorite coat and hoodie are getting too big. I have been rewarding myself with Gir...best motivation ever. Savaging the old me to become the best I can be. Plus I am so close I can taste it!!!!! That is all <3

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