Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diets ...thumbs down....Exercise...Yes

Woke up today and exercised my bum-bum off. Supreme 90! I will finish you I stopped at 30 days last time...due to the move and such. I have been doing 10 minute trainer...but honestly I would rather do Supreme 90 for 30 minutes, then have to keep changing Dvds..for up to 30 min. I am determine to get it done. What will be my reward...Cedar Point. I did Slim in 6 a while a go and even got it done while sick! SO what this makes and targets all kinds of muscles that burn. It reminds me everyday that I am alive. It also reminds me how big my boobs are. Mostly chest pains that remind me of that.

I am one of those people that do not believe diets work. As soon as you go back to what you eat. Bam you gain the weight. I changed my lifestyle a year ago to eating as healthy as I could. I literally never ate healthy, and had never gained weight. Pregnancy does wonders that is for sure. It changes your body forever. I expected that. I earned my stripes. Healthy I eat so much Fruit its almost horrid. But not Bananas or oranges due to Sugar levels and Citric Acid is horrid for your teeth. I had 18 cavities last year. Due to not being at the dentist since I was 7! All Porcelined capped and very well taken care of. They blamed my pregnancies for draining my calcium down in the teeth as well. Sweet. Thank you to Pregnancy it only adds to the reasons I do not want another lovely bunch of joy. I don't drink pop, do fast food, candy...and pizza on occasion. It does bad things to the body if you go back to high fat levels. Bad Bad things!

Back off my rant onto Supreme 90. Supreme 90 is one of those exercises that promotes muscle failure. If you aren't going shit I can barely finish this set. You need heavier weights. I am on 8 pounds..just about to switch to 10! Being a woman doesn't mean you can't go to a higher weight number. I say that because a lot of woman are afraid to go higher because of gaining unsightly muscle mass. We are not men :) I actually personally know someone who lifts 20s and she looks awesome. It is an exercise that test all of your muscles and then you move onto another part. After Tabata you feel like a truck hit you and then you exercise with that encouragement.

To the Rant Diet...will not help you firm up skin. Often times Diets you are still weak and you also have the effects of untoned body...Exercise helps sculpt the body and gets it to where you can actually see some slender muscles. It has also been proven that exercise keeps the results longer compared to just a diet. They work together. Diet..is a sad sad word. Lifestyle change is much better. You can always eat something in moderation. It also means this Fall starting school to be a personal trainer. Yay!

It may not always be easy, in fact it is the most difficult thing you will ever do...but just live by my motto...NO EXCUSES.

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