Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hate get over it?

Figured I have the time might as well...

Verb: Feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone): "the boys hate each other".
Noun: Intense or passionate dislike: "feelings of hate".

In this sense I am honored to have people hate me. Rare as it is. Usually Disliking is better. But to be Hated whether they want to or not they are Injecting you into there life. Memory, Still going on about it, or still being immature. Such as basically Doing things you would never do as a Normal human being. Stalking someones blog, Facebook, Twitter, and anything else they see you have. As if watching to see if you are miserable yet. Okay, if you hate me don't look. Act like I do not exist. Why would you want to look when you hate me. Displaced hate maybe. Even the childish, they see you and they give you the bad look.Seriously, are we still in high school people. I expect this from teenagers.

i do not hate anyone. I dislike people but hate no.Hate just ends up destroying you in the end. I block people from my facebook I do not want in my life, I block the numbers that someone tries calling me, and I do not subject myself their meaningless words. I usually just hear about "things" and just sigh or try to fix the truth. Even after years, they are still doing the same things....seriously grow up....Obviously there is a reason you hate me so go away. Or maybe your just Jealous. Ahh..give myself the benefit of a doubt.

I am better than people that hate because I moved on. I am living my dreams and flying up the rainbow. Reaching the stars with no end in sight. Do me a favor erase me from your thoughts you would be better off to truly move on. Living with Regrets are a waste of time or being a stalker..its just unflattering.

So as It comes starting soon..I will probably delete my blog and leave it barren...delete my email and start a new blog..where people cannot pry into my life and I can write whatever I feel. Its sad..I have to even think about this but In this case it might be better for everybody evolved because as stated I am glad I imprinted your llife but go away. Please and thank you.

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