Monday, August 22, 2011

Normal is my my life

You know as of lately, I don't get why people around me aren't getting that I have a two year old and a three year old. My rules:

No you may not smoke around my kids, nor will we go to your home, even with the window down, YOU can still hurt my child.

My child is not going to have candy or Pop! My kids have never had pop, and okay that is a lie.My son was gave Pop and koolaid and Davids mothers house. Let me tell you my son got a sugar crash and was burnt out and sick. She is now aware that Zeke will not have Pop or Kool aid.

I do not believe in condiments. Spices, yes other than Salt.

If you do not like my kids, but you are my friend. Well you ma'am can go shot yourself for all I care.

No, you may not call at the last minute and expect us to find a babysitter.

Surprise, my husband and I haven't been on a date together with out the kids since April 1st 2011 and the one before that was in January and before that October :)

We only let family or my one friend watch my kids. I do not believing in hiring someone who thinks they can protect and care for my child.

I am a stay at home mom, and don't demean it, I would like to see you do it for a day and have a schedule.

My kids have veggies with every meal, fruit with every meal and then healthy entrees. And we only eat wheat and whole wheat pastas.

No I do not believe in syrup.

Yes my son was starting to potty train at one and his sister is stubborn.

I do not believe in Dora. I believe my kid need to understand english first before spanish is ever introduced.

I like Einstein for babies, its fun :)

Yes, my kids are spoiled and so am I.

But for my real friends I don't have to remind you. You take the time to go hey wanna go walking after the kids eat. Better yet, lets have david bring the kids to the park and go walking on the track.

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