Thursday, August 4, 2011

I will always be there for you!

Quote of the day:

"I will support you in whatever decisions you make, if you rob a bank we will still be friends"

There is a reason I have the friends I have. When I was in school I would literally talk on the phone either all night or all day. I am a talker. I would also spend so much time with my friends while balancing out my boyfriends. Of course, now we are older and I am married, 2 kids, and owning things. My friends have never faultered. These are friends you call up when your 18 and go We are Pregnant and they are just as excited as you are. Visiting you in the hospital. Calling at 3am to talk. Then I have my friends and then I have those you run into ever now and then. Talk maybe meet up for some brunch. But you never really tell those people what is in your brain. Its just one of those, Everything is perfect in my brain how about yours.

Real friends know how to deal with you and be around you and understand. I am glad I am blessed with these people. I think with everything I have seen and dealt with. These people are the most respected people in my life. These are the people I can be doing something completely wrong and they are still next to me. I feel so much pain for people who back stab their friends...its disgraceful. Utterly disgusting. As a friend, know your place. I expect unconditionally my friends no matter what. We have had the bad boyfriends, affairs, drugs, alchol, and so much more and still supported each other.

THats a real friend...I want to look back at my life and KNOW i am doing everything possible to be a great person and have no regrets. I am making my life Remarkable...with the tools I have.

To my best friend"Seeing the love of my life tonight, \\ She keeps all my deep dark secrets and I love her for that. There is defiantly a reason why we have been best friends for 9 years...since 7th grade. I love you, darling."

to me"gotta love the one person who would accept me when everyone else wouldn't...thanks for being there for me and not back stabbing me to be with the "in crowd", after 6th grade I lost all self confidence and respect but I always knew you were there for me...just returning the favor =)"

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