Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcoming Spring

I am utterly in the blissfulness of Spring. SShhh I know it is not technically spring. But have you walked out side Lately! It is amazing. In this move I have no idea what to expect here. I don't have rose plants to prune and get ready, Even though this weekend I am digging for my rose garden. I am prepared to be filthy. I love roses,picking them, pruning them, and setting them up in vases. I just plain love it and all the colors!

I am also feeling the Bliss of pure love. After Struggling with the bank and getting our home, I feel a huge (HUGE) uplifting. We are living here. I can let me dogs out and they can run for hours. Running around the pond, the orchard or even just in the yard. It is beautiful. Star Grass coming up everywhere. My Wisteria and Honeysuckle are blooming. This weekend I have to Prune all the orchard. Apple and Cherries and then spray them with Dormant Oil. On top of that I have to put 2 gallons of aqua shade in the pond. My grandparents are proud of us. Which on top of everything makes me smile and fills me with joy. They also bought me a table which I am excited about. My grandparents are my everything besides my parents.

I am loving the space! Living in a Trailer is nice, but I can have all my animals and it is still not crowded! 2 Alaskan Malamutes, 1 half Schnauzer, 2 cats and 3 birds. Oh and a ferret! I love being able to go in the kitchen and my kids are all the way in the living room. I love my kids don't get me wrong but now I can breathe. I have to actually yell for my husband. Key world Yell for him, not at him. Lol. Seems like Love is up between David and I.

My husband is a clean freak, his parents well...they don't know how to clean. So because of that he is in a mood of I have to clean or it will end up like his parents. My parents are clean freaks so you know my house is almost perfect. David finds the little things as soon as she gets home he starts to clean. Having a three year old boy (almost 4) is hard. He is one to keep you on your toes. Plus teaching him to write, talk, and everything else is hard. He is one active child who never stops. Then I have patient Lorilye who never gets in trouble but when she does. She will scream and throw a hell tantrum. THank God she is an angel. We are in the mists of potty training and it is amazing. When David gets home I am ready for my 5 minutes alone or at least a lot of help. On top of this I babysit an amazing one year old :) Keeps me wanting a baby down. He is just as good unless he is teething then he tries to bite,lol. One year olds. Lately, David has been home cleaning and organizing things that can wait. Finally, after talking to my best friend about it. Yesterday, I talked to him. I have a horrid sleep insomnia. Plus Zeke will wander in our bed about 4am and Lori has been terrified of her bedroom since we moved. Which my kids have slept all night since they were newborns. This is news of waking up to me. Last night Tiara slept with Zeke and he stayed in his bed. Thats his boy. Anywho, off subject David said to me he completely understood how much I needed him and he was sorry if It felt like he wasn't helping. So he is back to being a helper husband! God do I love him. I cannot imagine having 3 or more kids. I will stick to my two for sure.

I have learned to talk to him. I don't want to make mistakes plus we are working on seven years this year. Communication has been really hard in the past for us. Now it is practically an open door. I can actually say with him I feel like we will be together for the rest of our lives. What made us weak made us stronger. This is love :P

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