Monday, June 20, 2011

Two different worlds

Today I was cleaning up my toddlers rooms getting ready to create my 2nd ever garage sale. Last year I got 400$ dollars from my garage sale. This year I probably have 10 times more baby/toddler things and mostly we have already gotten ride of things that were just not used. It is a big relief to have a garage sale. Get rid of the old and make way for the new.

My family never had garage sales, went to goodwill, or even savers. I grew up in a family were we basically got what we wanted. We ate so much good food and dressed in the best. Contrary, to my husband whose family didn't have much money. He told me they didn't even have like pork chops or steak or really meat. They went to those places. I never really understood that lifestyle, due to how I grew up. Even our houses we grew up in are completely different worlds. Money has been an after thought my whole life, were as David's family were strapped. When I was growing up we did not even go to walmart...due to my families...Grandpa is a buisness attorney that fights for those peoples rights.

I will even say I love Goodwill and Savers...I love finding treasures. I love finding things that are unique and unusual. I love to be in shock and awe over something that is just amazing. Or things that you can fix up and make them 10x better. I still go to the mall for my clothes, target, or other places. I love to garage sale. I meet people and have some great conversations. Get things for cheap that look great. I enjoy going out with my friends to find some great things. One time we saw two old woman walking away from a garage sale while we drove up. Looked at Amber and said that is going to be us. Shes like yup I know. Haha. I may not have grown up with this stuff in my life but I am going to enjoy showing this stuff to my children.

My husband is part Owner of a Agricultural Construction Company. This is an all year round job. Business has picked up in the last years. Its a small company maybe 10 guys that work there. Pay is good, benefits are great, and bonuses are awesome. So with the upcoming years when we buy a house. Our kids will not have to share a room(Like David's family) I grew up in a house where I had a huge room and my own bathroom. My kids will only have the best. We will both make sure of that. My parents made sure my brother and I got the best. Having two kids it is hard but I think they will be grateful of what we have become.

I was pregnant when I was 18. Nobody thought we were gonna be okay. His parents and one of his brothers badmouthed us and didn't believe in us. We were too young and they didn't know anything that was going on. Needless to say..we have done everything by ourselves. Even the part were I am a stay at home mom. We have never borrowed money from anyone in our family. We have learned to do everything by ourselves. Two kids later, we own a trailer, we pay our bills, we own a nice car and we did this.

All types of people come from different backgrounds. It doesn't matter what you come from. It matters what you do with all that you have learned. Matters what your life is know and how hard you are trying to reach the stars. My husband and I may have come from two different worlds...but we bring two different perspectives to our marriage and our kids. It makes things easy to put the pieces together.

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