Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Balancing all the right things

There is a common question I seem to be getting asked lately.

1. How do I do it?
2. How do I find time?
3. How do I balance wife duties, working out, animals, toddlers, friends, and family?

Well I am doing it because I use to be 119 pounds. Use to be and will be again..that was 2 1/2 years ago. When I got Pregnant I slept all the time and threw up. Not really sure how I gained about 81 pounds...Well awesome do not feel bad I gained weight. Because in fact I got blessed with an easy labor. Natural, no epidurals. An hour and a half. My daughter got a little more intense gained 43 pounds with her..all hard back labor and the medicine the gave me to lesson the pain made me throw up. So 2 hours of back labor. I would rather gain weight anyday than have a c-section or long labor. I prolonged this journey because I was breastfeeding my son. I stopped at 3 months when I lost my milk due to pregnancy and by the time my son walked 9 months..my daughter was about due. Once again stuck to doing the important things. Breastfeeding my daughter. 8 months...she started walking at 12 months.

So I did not and was not able to do this with a toddler and newborn. They had all my attention and at one point I babysit a 3 year old, along with my kids 2 and 1. So when they slept I slept. We were co-sleepers so when it was bedtime mommy followed. SO I did not have a lot of time to start my journey. Hated not fitting into my clothes, hated being the "fat" girl in the family. Going from skinny to obese...yes obese is rough.

I hit my point...It was February 13, 2010. Earlier this year. I was off Depo for 6 months. I was in a state of uproaring emotions. Depo-Provera Messes with every emotion you have. Also helps so you gain or is harder to loose weight. I was crying on the couch, basically asking my husband why he even love me. I am fat and ugly. My husband held me and told me" I created our family and how amazing I was" He became super protective toward me. I decided that Day I would Lose this weight in 2 years...and be happy again. My friend and I picked up a copy of Ea Active 2...I completed that for the whole 9 weeks. That was my start up point. On top of that walking my puppies, and using an elliptical or treadmill for 30 minutes. That was my starting to get my body moving. Just that simple.

Then it moved to losing my workout partner. She had only enough motivation until things got hard. Then since this wasn't her number 1 goal she quit. Then it was all up to me...I probably own easily every Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels workouts. Plus tons more and I can tell you I have at least done each one for a week at a time.

Then it came to Weddings. Our June and July we had four weddings. Know sure if we stayed at home for any of them it wouldn't have matter. First one was Cape Cod, Massachusetts..we lived in a hotel room for a week. Not many healthy choices either. One good thing gained no weight on any of these vacations..Next came Mansfield..3 hours away. 2 days wasn't that bad. Next came one in July but it was 30 minutes away sadly we didn't even get to enjoy it because...we had to bring my son to the er.Last one in St. Cloud minnesota..for I think we stayed 4 days. I sadly was so much on the run..it was hard but while we were in Minnesota we would walk around the parks and stop and go walking. So those were my horrid months.

But I decided starting in August nothing was stopping me. Nothing! Riding bike for an hour a day and then I got Slim in 6 and had been conquering ever since. I am on Week 6 about to finish. I am seeing great results..

But let me tell you I could do not, Could not do this without my husband. My husband, my best friend, father of my children...he has so many titles. He eats healthy like me and he give me the time needed for me to workout, he understands what I need to do. Plus it makes our relationship so much better.

I find all kinds of time to workout. Any one can make up excuses why the cannot do it here's my secret...haha.

I do not drink pop..nope not even at Restaurants . I always get water.
I did whole milk..I just cannot drink 2% I think it takes too watery.
I drink water all the time.
I take Immune multivitamins and Multivitamins.
I am not on a diet. I eat portions and in moderation
I learn as much as I can about losing weight.
I like programs that seem if you want results than do 6 days a week
---Slim In 6-----Supreme 90
I find all kinds of time...while my husband is still asleep in the morning before work I walk the dogs for an hour
Naptime Zeke has quiet playing time in his room with his tv and Lorilye naps. I clean the house and workout for an hour
David gets home at about 5ish. I ask him if he wants to go on a walk..then we go on 3-5 mile walks together with the kids.
Or this weekend I told him lets do 16 mile hike while the kids are at grandmas..He agreed.
Or I wait til 9 and go on a run after the kids are in bed.

You can always make time it just takes commitment and motivation. Effort is key word. Monday is coming close for my weigh in..was 23 ponds 6 weeks ago cannot wait to see the hard work..

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