Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 8: Whenever I lose Motivation

I always doubt myself when things get too overwhelming for me...doesn't mean I give up just means I get a little depressed and then workout harder.Yes, apparently punishments for me equal tons of hard work. In the last 3 years I have done amazing things.

I have carried two children. Went over my due date by 2 weeks. Naturally Birthed both kids and went through labor.(Kids being 8lbs 6oz 21 in and 8lbs 9oz 21 in) Breastfeed successfully both kids, one for 3 months(milk went dry due to pregnancy) and then 8 months with my daughter. Have lost 23 pounds or more..just because I put my mind to it. Am only 23 and I own my own house, car, got married, had kids and that is like half the battle in my 20s. I have some amazing friends that never let me forget who I am. I am there for my friends and help them through difficult times. Motherhood is pretty amazing in itself and keeps you always on your toes. I am pushing toward my goal of being a personal trainer. I do not really know what other things I can become in the next 6-7 years of my 20's but knowing me it will be anything less of amazing.

I may not be perfect but my life is falling into what I could have never imagined at 16. I didn't plan this, but it has giving me so much more valuable information in this life. This weight loss journey is a huge one! The inspiration and motivation is just plain amazing. Last night I was watching Biggest loser and probably teared up half the show. When Anna ran to the team I was crying! She didn't just stand there and judge. She wanted to help them. Plus the black dude looks like he is going to kick ass this season.

Week 5 is sucking. Yesterday, my son was getting sick all night so that opted out of that workout...Doing an hour isn't feasible when kids are more important. Last night got an hour of sleep. But any workouts that I miss go on my Week 7. That is because I am doing all the exercise! I will complete this.

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