Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 8: Believe in Yourself

I am so proud of my best friend. She is starting a workout program and I will be there for her 100% and even workout with her, when she wants me to, even if I have already worked out. That is a real friend.

I had workout partners and they failed. They have been skinnier than me and failed. Disappointed not only me but themselves. I have flung workout partners to the wind and depended on myself. With much motivation from friends and family it is amazing. Plus my Sparkpeople Friends I love your comments they go on my motivational board and make me always remember everyone encouraging me.

One of our conversations..included thinking that a workout is hard. Then regretting why didn't start sooner or thinking how did I let myself get like this. Stop! Right there. That kind of negative talk gets you no where. Absolutely, let those negative thoughts go and strive to get it right, right now. It should be hard, if it was easy we would all be skinnier! You are trying now and that is ALL THAT MATTERS. Many people cannot even get to the getting up part.

There is a wall in exercising. It the wall you hit when things get hard, and you cannot grip the motivation for it. This wall is the toughest thing to get over! Trust me once you hit that, you want to grab the nearest sugary food and sit on the couch and mope. During this time, you also think how it is not working and you will never be able to do it. I hit this wall after my calves were in so much pain...I cried myself to sleep at night. Tons of Icy hot slabbed on it. I looked at my scale and I said I will get you down. Took some long walks(5 miles) and meditated and I have never looked back!

Never compare yourself to others in exercise. We are at so many different levels that it is hard to compare. Just look up to and believe that someday you will reach that level. I do all the time. People that have lost so many pounds, specially people that have went from 240 to 125...I smile everytime. If they can do it I can to. If I can do it anyone else can do it.

Just remember do this for you, not others. Don't let others problems and anger bring you down. Do not Give up losing 20 pounds isn't easy, losing 40 pounds isn't easy, 60 pounds isn't easy, but It can be done and people do it all the time. Plus It is so worth it when You try on those smaller clothes and feel great!

Hope this inspires someone to start a journey they will not regret!!!

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