Monday, September 26, 2011

The past can always be used for greatness

You know it is funny last year someone that is part of my past wrote how I was Morbidly obese.Just to make herself feel better, she attacked me and my weight. I write this because she is not a skinny person and in fact she is bigger than me at the moment.She attacked me purely because she is jealous of me and always has been. Specially, since her boyfriend was hitting on me constantly. That comment gave me the most motivation toward my goal. As that person has attacked my very being and tried to destroy my life. In all attempts made me much stronger. I took someone who is purely a bully and knocked her off her high horse. I have been working my butt off to prove her insignificant comments wrong. Of course, It hurt thats what it was suppose to do. I am beautiful Inside and out and Honestly I will always be more beautiful than her.

Because truth is I do not treat people like crap or make them feel like crap.Maybe these seem like very contradictory comments but I feel justified. She is part of my past.But taking up from 2005-2007 of being the most immature, meanest, rude commented, high horsed person I have ever met in my life. By the time everything came to a crashing halt..I was sick of it. The boyfriend was constantly hitting on me and much more. Ugh. I did not want him I was perfectly happy with my man. Still am. I will tell you just for the time we were together I was the nicest person I could be and I respected their relationship. We all have our ups and downs. Every relationship is different.

I went through so much crap because of those two people. Things I care not to relive ever! Or even talk about. Let's just say they did not care about David as a friend, they cared about their themselves and what they liked. Not once did the think about David. With any friendship if it makes your friend happy then leave it be. Because if not you will lose that friend. Is you being happy really worth losing a close friend?

With the pounds leaving, I feel as though that nightmare is finally disappearing. Of course, I should not think of anything. But when a relationship of friendship fails, it still lingers. Always. It has teached me that even when I do not like someone it is better to be nicer to them for the whole fact that they should never be treated how I was treated. I have had friends with boyfriends that my friends deserve better, but I will treat them as a friend. No matter what.Because its not my feeling or my life in fact, I care what is best for them and what makes them happy. I always keep the positives in my life and strive to achieve perfection. I have been there 100% for my friends and many of my friends tell me how much I can make them feel better. I pride myself in being a loyal friend...because in fact it is so worth it. Doesn't matter what makes me happy, it is what makes them happy.

This blog I pondered. I deleted most of the negative and tried not to bash into the ground. It comes to it has been 4 years..give or take and honestly I wish them the best. Always. Not that I would ever ever ever put them in my life again, but they can be happy together. I recovered my husband from that downward spiral. We have moved on and hopefully they "she" has too.

The past will always be there but why are her comments going to mean a thing when I am back down to my original weight? It won't matter one bit. Not that it should matter now, I have an amazing husband, two beautiful toddlers and surrounded by the best of friends and family. Just have to let those comments saturate into the base and ground of all my weight loss efforts.

I am working on Week 6 of Slim in 6. Week 6..that is 6 lovely weeks of 6 lovely days of working out. I get to see the scale Sunday and weigh in Monday morning and hopefully start Supreme 90. Thank You "you know who you are" for being part of my motivation. I know you don't want to hear that. But thank you, so much.

You have dragged me through hell and back but also achieved throwing me into the best journey of my entire life. I do not want to be this weigh this for even one year more, I will chisel and kill this. I am almost rounding a year of my weigh loss journey. I have done so much stuff this year and personally achieved so many accomplishments. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the best people of my life, who have been there through thick and thin. I love you guys.

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